Tiago Falótico

Tiago Falótico

Universidade de São Paulo
Biólogo, mestre e doutor em Psicologia Experimental pelo Instituto de Psicologia da USP. Atualmente Jovem Pesquisador na Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da USP, com o projeto CapCult – Cultura dos Macacos-Prego.

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1 PROJETO compartilhado

Em Andamento2024Comportamento AnimalCapuchin Culture
This project aims to identify and understand the cultural behavior of a neotropical primate, the capuchin monkey. This intelligent and curious monkey has several behaviors, including tool use, that are similar to our own ancestors, although separated by 40 million years of evolutionary history. That fact makes the capuchins an interesting alternative model to understand the human evolution. This project brought together an excelent team of research of international researchers, from different areas of expertises. Primatologists, geneticists, archaeologists, botanists, biologists are working together to understand why capuchin monkeys populations behave so differently, although some are living in similar environments. With the support of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), National Geographic Society, Leakey Foundation and Neotropical Primates Research Group.Palavras-Chave: cultura, uso de ferramenta, tradição, macaco-
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